3M ESPE Launches the Lava DVS Digital Crown to Dentists

3M ESPE Launches the Lava DVS Digital Crown to Dentists

Digitally created restoration ensures strength and beauty

ST. PAUL, Minn. – (May 17, 2010) – 3M ESPE announces the launch of the 3M™ ESPE™ Lava™ DVS Digital Veneering System, allowing dentists to prescribe an all-digital full contour crown for excellent esthetics and consistent strength. The system offers a revolutionary alternative to traditional hand-layered or pressed ceramics. The Lava™ DVS system was introduced at the California Dental Association’s Annual Meeting in Anaheim, May 12-15.

Lava DVS crowns offer dentists a number of unique advantages:

·         Strength: The system’s design software produces an anatomically shaped Lava zirconia coping that ensures proper porcelain support. Because the coping is made with Lava zirconia, the restoration is strong enough for both posterior and anterior crowns.

·         Fit: The system’s digital precision ensures minimal adjustments and an optimized fit for each Lava DVS crown. The digitally-designed glass ceramic delivers the same precision that dentists value with Lava copings.

·         Beauty: Lava DVS crowns offer excellent esthetics. All three elements of the restoration—the zirconia coping, the fusion porcelain, and the glass ceramic veneer—are available in a variety of shades and translucencies to ensure the Lava™ DVS crown matches the patient’s natural tooth esthetics.

Additionally, Lava DVS crowns are ideal for conservative preps and conventional cementation, allowing dentists to place them using the same familiar technique.

“With Lava DVS, my clients are pleased with the excellent esthetics and confident in the strengthened design,” said Stan Okon, President of Stanley Okon Milling Center Inc. “Another plus: they like the consistent results in material integrity with Lava DVS versus the variabilities sometimes inherent in hand stacked restorations.”

The Lava system’s growing digital capabilities mean that dentists can now prescribe a crown that offers more natural esthetics while still being produced quickly and efficiently.

Dentists can simply work with their existing lab partners to request Lava DVS Crowns.

For more information visit www.3MESPE.com/LavaDVS or call 1-800-634-2249.
