Research and Education A comparative study of the wear of dental alloys against monolithic zirconia

The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry

Available online 23 October 2019

The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry


Statement of problem

Materials used for dental restorations should cause wear similar to that of natural teeth. Studies on the wear of dental alloys against monolithic zirconia are lacking.


The purpose of this in vitro study was to compare the wear of Co-Cr, gold, and Ni-Cr alloys against monolithic zirconia of different surface roughness.

Material and methods

Cylindrical monolithic zirconia specimens were prepared by a sintering process. Sintered zirconia was then polished to prepare 30 zirconia substrate specimens with a smooth surface (Ra<0 .1="" 000="" 10="" 2-way="" 240="" 30="" 3="" 3d="" 6="" a="" after="" alloy="" alloys="" analysis="" and="" anova="" antagonist="" as="" at="" by="" cast="" comparison="" crowns="" cycles.="" data="" each="" electron="" for="" formed.="" from="" gold="" groups="" in="" inspected="" laser="" m="" mastication="" maxillary="" measured="" metal="" microscope="" multiple="" ni-cr="" o-cr="" of="" on="" oppose="" p="" performed="" premolar.="" prepared="" randomly="" rough-surface="" rough="" scanner.="" scanning="" scheff="" selected="" shape="" simulator="" smooth-surface="" specimens.="" specimens="" statistical="" substrate="" surface="" test="" testing="" tests="" the="" to="" total="" twenty="" types="" used.="" used="" using="" was="" wear="" were="" with="" zirconia="">


Of the 6 test groups, the gold alloy specimens opposed to rough-surface zirconia exhibited the most wear, while the Co-Cr alloy specimens opposed to smooth-surface zirconia exhibited the least wear (P<.05). Rough-surface monolithic zirconia caused significantly more wear of the metal alloy specimens than did smooth-surface monolithic zirconia (P<.01).


Increased surface roughness of monolithic zirconia was associated with increased wear of the opposing dental alloy. When monolithic zirconia surface roughness was increased, wear of dental alloys increased most for gold alloys, followed by Ni-Cr, and then Co-Cr alloys.
