Etch-and-rinse vs self-etch mode for dentin bonding effectiveness of universal adhesives.
J Oral Sci. 2019 Oct 21. doi: 10.2334/josnusd.18-0433. [Epub ahead of print]
this study, dentin bond fatigue resistance and interfacial science
characteristics of universal adhesives through etch-and-rinse and
self-etch modes were investigated. Resin composite was bonded to human
dentin with four universal adhesives, namely, Adhese Universal, All-Bond
Universal, G-Premio Bond, and Scotchbond Universal Adhesive. The
initial bond strengths, bond fatigue strengths, and interfacial science
characteristics of the universal adhesives with dentin through
etch-and-rinse and self-etch modes were determined. Bond fatigue
resistance (initial bond strength and bond fatigue strength) of
universal adhesives in etch-and-rinse mode showed no significant
difference in contrast to that in self-etch mode and was
material-dependent regardless of the etching mode. Although phosphoric
acid conditioning of dentin did not have a strong impact on the bond
fatigue resistance, surface free energy and parameters of dentin were
significantly decreased by etching and by application of universal
adhesives regardless of etching mode. Changes in γS and γSh
for when universal adhesive was applied to etched and ground dentin
were significantly different depending on the adhesive. The results
suggest that bonding performance of universal adhesives was effective in
both etching modes; however, bonding mechanisms may be different for