test a novel calcium silicate cement mixed with a water-based gel
(NoeMTA Plus) with regards to chemical-physical properties and apatite
forming ability.
Plus (Avalon Biomed Inc. Bradenton, FL, USA; lot. 2014090301), and a
commercial MTA-based material with similar properties (MTA Plus, Prevest
Denpro Limited, Jammu, India; lot. 41001) were tested for ion-releasing
ability, initial and final setting times, radiopacity, open and
impervious porosity and apparent porosity, water sorption, weight loss,
solubility, ability to nucleate calcium phosphates (CaP) after immersion
in HBSS (Hank's Balance Salt Solution) by ESEM-EDX and Micro-Raman
spectroscopy. The results were analyzed statistically with ANOVA test
(P < 0.05).
Plus had a prolonged setting time (315 min) and a satisfactory
radiopacity (3.76 mm AL). Calcium and hydroxyl ion release was
significantly greater and more prolonged in comparison with MTA Plus
(P<0 .05="" ability="" after="" and="" both="" calcium="" confirmed="" esem-edx="" had="" hbss.="" high="" immersion="" in="" micro-raman="" mta="" neomta="" nucleate="" of="" on="" open="" p="" phosphates="" plus="" porosity="" solubility.="" surface="" the="" their="" to="" values="">0>
Plus is a new calcium silicate based cement for root filling with an
adequate radiopacity and prolonged setting time. The ion release and CaP
forming ability could increase stability of the root filling and
promote endodontic and periodontal tissue regeneration, enhancing the
bioactivity and biocompatibility of the material.