The use of topical corticosteroides in the treatment of oral lichen planus in Spain: A national survey.
Explore the treatment of oral lichen planus with topical corticosteroids by the healthcare professionals in Spain.MATERIAL AND METHODS:
A questionnaire targeted health professionals who treat OLP, in particular maxillofacial surgeons, dermatologist and dentist. The dissemination of the questionnaires was conducted through professional associations and dental and medical societies. The questionnaire was previously evaluated by means of a cognitive pre-test procedure to ensure that the questions were opportune and appropriate, understandable and accep-table among the professionals.RESULTS:
Of the 890 questionnaires sent a total of 190 questionnaires were answered by 90 dentists, 60 dermatologists and 40 by maxillofacial surgeons. The most frequent treatment was 0.1%triamcinolone acetonide in orobase 3 times a day. The effectiveness of the topical corticosteroid treatment was 6.68 (SD= 2.26) in a scale of 1 to 10. The 30% of the dentists and 10.49% of maxillofacial surgeons combined treatment with other drugs. The most frequent one (80%) was nystatin (100,000 IU per millimetre). Dermatologists did not use other treatments in combination with corticosteroidsConclusions:
There is a need for national guidelines in treatment for oral lichen planus (treatment criteria, drug, dose, treatment time and method of application of corticosteroid) that can be applied by all professionals who treat this disease.