Effect of a chlorhexidine/thymol and a fluoride varnish on caries development in erupting permanent molars: a comparative study


European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry


To compare the caries preventive effect of a chlorhexidine/thymol-containing antibacterial varnish with a fluoride varnish when topically applied during the eruption of permanent molars.


The study group consisted of 189 patients, 5–14 years of age, with one 1st or 2nd permanent molar in the process of eruption. After stratification for type of molar and stage of eruption, the patients were randomised to either quarterly topical applications with an antibacterial varnish (Cervitec® Plus; CV group) or biannual applications with a fluoride varnish plus biannual treatments with placebo varnish (Fluor Protector; FV group). The duration of the study was 2 years. The primary endpoint was caries incidence (initial and cavitated) in the erupting molars and the secondary outcome was salivary mutans streptococci (MS) counts.


The groups were balanced with respect to socio-economy, oral hygiene, dietary habits and caries experience at baseline. The dropout rate was 11.6 %. The caries incidence was low (<10 0.94="" 1.08="" 95="" and="" at="" between="" both="" caries="" ci="" class="EmphasisTypeItalic" cv="" development="" difference="" disclosed="" em="" end="" erupting="" fv="" group="" groups="" in="" levels="" lower="" molars="" ms="" nbsp="" no="" occlusal="" of="" relative="" respect="" risk="" salivary="" significant="" significantly="" study="" the="" there="" to="" was="" were="" with="">p
 < 0.05).


No difference in occlusal caries development in young permanent molars was displayed after topical applications of either a chlorhexidine/thymol varnish or a fluoride varnish during tooth eruption.
