Factors affecting the bond strength of denture base and reline acrylic resins to base metal materials

J. Appl. Oral Sci. vol.21 no.4 Bauru July/Aug. 2013

The shear bond strengths of two hard chairside reline resin materials and an auto-polymerizing denture base resin material to cast Ti and a Co-Cr alloy treated using four conditioning methods were investigated.
Disk specimens (diameter 10 mm and thickness 2.5 mm) were cast from pure Ti and Co-Cr alloy. The specimens were wet-ground to a final surface finish of 600 grit, air-dried, and treated with the following bonding systems: 1) air-abraded with 50-70-µm grain alumina (CON); 2) 1) + conditioned with a primer, including an acidic phosphonoacetate monomer (MHPA); 3) 1) + conditioned with a primer including a diphosphate monomer (MDP); 4) treated with a tribochemical system. Three resin materials were applied to each metal specimen. Shear bond strengths were determined before and after 10,000 thermocycles.
The strengths decreased after thermocycling for all combinations. Among the resin materials assessed, the denture base material showed significantly (p<0 .05="" 10="" 34.56="" 38.30="" after="" alloy.="" and="" base="" bond="" both="" cast="" co-cr="" con="" condition.="" decreased="" denture="" except="" for="" greater="" less="" material="" materials="" mdp="" metals.="" mpa="" of="" p="" reline="" shear="" strengths="" sufficient:="" than="" the="" thermocycles="" ti="" to="" two="" were="" with="">
Bonding of reline resin materials to metals assessed was clinically insufficient, regardless of metal type, surface treatment, and resin composition. For the relining of metal denture frameworks, a denture base material should be used.
