Delayed replantation of an avulsed maxillary premolar with open apex: A 24 months follow-up case report
of permanent teeth is most serious of all dental injuries and accounts
for 1-16% of all traumatic injuries, of which maxillary incisors are
most commonly involved. However, in this report a rare case of isolated
avulsed immature premolar has been described. The patient had reported
more than 3 hours after the trauma with a tooth stored in dry condition
and soil contamination. The prognosis depends on measures taken at the
place of accident or the time immediately after avulsion. Replantation
is the treatment of choice, but cannot always be performed immediately.
An appropriate emergency management and treatment plan is important for
good prognosis. In this report stepwise management of an avulsed
immature maxillary premolar with extended period of dry storage has been
described followed up for a period of 2 yrs.