Outcomes of implant therapy in patients with a history of aggressive periodontitis. A systematic review and meta-analysis

Theodoridis, C., Grigoriadis, A., Menexes, G. et al. Clin Oral Invest (2016). doi:10.1007/s00784-016-2026-6



To investigate the outcomes of implant therapy in partially dentate patients treated for aggressive periodontitis (GAgP) in comparison to periodontally healthy (HP) and patients treated for chronic periodontitis (CP) utilizing radiographic and clinical parameters.

Material and methods

An electronic search of databases, supplemented by hand searching, was conducted to identify relevant clinical studies. Sequential screenings at the title, abstract and full-text levels were performed independently and in duplicate. A random effects meta-analysis was conducted and bias corrected bootstrap 95 % confidence intervals were estimated for group comparisons.


The search strategy revealed a total of 899 results. After title screening, abstract scanning, and full-text reading, seven articles fulfilled the inclusion criteria. The 3-year survival rate for CP and HP patients was 100 % while in GAgP subjects, the respective value was 97.98 %; this difference being statistically significant. The 3-year mean marginal bone loss (MBL) was 1.07 mm for the GAgP group, 0.47 mm for the CP group, and 0.69 mm for the HP group. A significant difference between the GAgP and CP groups was identified (p < 0.05). The weighted mean differences of MBL concerning the above groups were also calculated and examined for statistical significance in both 1 and 3 years.


The 3-year survival rate and peri-implant marginal bone loss was found statistically significantly lower in GAgP subjects (SR 97.98 % vs 100 %) in comparison to HP and CP individuals.

Clinical relevance

The outcome of implant therapy in terms of survival rate and marginal bone loss is considered very important for the clinician in decision making when placing implants in patients with a history of aggressive periodontitis.
