Join me for CE in Manhattan
When: Thursday, February 27, 2014 7-9pm
Cost: $89 dentist • $40 team (dinner included) Learning Objectives: Soft tissue lasers and the benefits associated with early oral/head-neck screenings The technologies of today, such as VELscope Vx® and soft-tissue diode lasers, have dramatically improved accuracy of detection and treatment, improved the level of patient care, and provided an additional revenue stream for the general dental practice. Are you or your hygienist performing a white light only exam during routine dental check-ups? Are you still packing cord to expose margins prior to taking an impression for a crown? This course will change the way you practice and includes hands-on training! • Hands-on oral examination training • Interpretation of abnormal findings through fluorescence technology and its efficacy • Clinical applications and benefits of soft-tissue diode lasers • Coding, billing, and record keeping protocols