All on Four® Fixed Implant Support Rehabilitation: A Masticatory Function Study
De Rossi, M., Santos, C. M., Migliorança, R. and Regalo, S. C. H.
(2013), All on Four® Fixed Implant Support Rehabilitation: A Masticatory
Function Study. Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research.
doi: 10.1111/cid.12031
implant-supported prostheses according to All-on-Four® (Nobel Biocare,
Goteborg, Sweden) principles have become an accepted treatment modality
in totally edentulous patients, whereas the functional effect of this
therapy is limited.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the muscular function of patients totally rehabilitated with All-on-Four.
Materials and Methods
study evaluated 63 patients. Twenty-one patients were successfully
rehabilitated with maxillary and mandibular All-on-Four (no dropout
implants, satisfactory aesthetic and function demands prosthesis), 21
patients were dentate, and 21 were rehabilitated with double complete
dentures. Electromyography was carried out during clenching, nonhabitual
and habitual chewing, and rest. All values were standardized as
percentage of a maximum voluntary contraction. Data were analyzed by
ANOVA to compare groups and paired t-test was used for comparison between sides within each group.
groups presented symmetric muscular activity. The All-on-Four and
dentate groups had a similar muscles surface electromyography (sEMG)
contraction pattern, that is, a higher sEMG activity of masseter than
temporalis muscles, differing (p ≤ .05) from those of denture group. Not one statistical difference was found between All-on-Four and dentate groups.
muscular function similarity of All-on-Four and dentate patients shows
that this treatment concept may be considered as a good option for oral
rehabilitation in edentulous patients.