Immediate Postextractive Dental Implant Placement with Immediate Loading on Four Implants for Mandibular-Full-Arch Rehabilitation: A Retrospective Analysis

Mozzati, M., Arata, V., Gallesio, G., Mussano, F. and Carossa, S. (2012), Immediate Postextractive Dental Implant Placement with Immediate Loading on Four Implants for Mandibular-Full-Arch Rehabilitation: A Retrospective Analysis. Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research. doi: 10.1111/j.1708-8208.2011.00412.x


Background: To date, only few studies have reported on the clinical outcomes of immediate postextraction implant placement and immediate loading.
Purpose: The purpose of this retrospective study was to report the results of immediately loading four implants placed in fresh extraction sockets in the mandible after a follow-up of 24 months.
Materials and Methods: Between January 2001 and January 2009, 50 patients (28 women and 22 men, average age 54 years), had 347 teeth extracted and a total of 200 dental implants placed in the mandible. The patients received a provisional fixed bridge the same day and a permanent one 3 months later. Clinical checkups were performed after 1, 2, 3, 6, 12, and 24 months. Marginal bone measurements were made in intraoral radiographs taken 1 day after surgery and after 1 year. A questionnaire was used to evaluate self-perceived factors related to comfort, aesthetics, and function.
Results: All bridges were stable and no implant failures were recorded during the follow-up, giving a survival rate of 100%, at 2 years. The marginal bone loss amounted to 1.33 ± 0.36 mm after 1 year and 1.48 ± 0.39 mm after 2 years. Ten patients showed prosthetic complications with the provisional bridge, but all the definitive prostheses remained stable throughout the study period without any complications. The patients reported satisfaction with the treatment.
Conclusions: The present retrospective study showed that immediate loading of four implants immediately placed in extraction sockets is a valid treatment modality for the totally edentulous mandible.
