Gums and Teeth Give Clues About What's Going On Inside Your Body

By Ranit Mishori
Special to The Washington Post
Tuesday, August 19, 2008; Page HE01

The way to a person's heart is through his stomach, the adage goes. But researchers now think the way to a healthy heart might be through your gums and teeth.

Evidence suggests that the healthier they are, the stronger and less disease-prone the heart is. If you don't floss or brush, you might be setting yourself up not just for gum disease but also for heart disease.

The link between what's happening in your mouth and in the rest of your body goes further still: Gum disease might be a kind of early warning system, with poor oral health linked to diabetes, kidney disease, preterm labor, osteoporosis, Alzheimer's disease and even certain types of cancer.

Read the rest on the Washington Post site
