AAWD Nominates AnterioRest as 2008’s Best New Product for Women

During the 87th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Women Dentists (AAWD), held June 19-21, 2008 in Oak Brook, IL, AAWD annual meeting attendees were given the opportunity to cast their vote for the 2nd Annual Best New Product for Women.

Contest entrants were AAWD member sponsors and exhibitors participating in the meeting. Attendees were given ballots with each participating company’s product description. And meeting attendees were encouraged to visit exhibitors to get more information about product. The judging criteria was the product needed to be a product or service beneficial to women dentists or their female patients.

AAWD is pleased to announce that the recipient for the 2008 Best New Product for Women is Career Extenders, Inc. for the AnterioRest®

AnterioRest® provides prevention and treatment of lower back injury. The concept of Back Support From the Front® applies research findings which suggest that anterior support is far more effective than posterior support in reducing muscle stress in an inclined position.
The AnterioRest attaches to the back of the patient chair and terminates in a small cushion against which the practitioner leans, thus freeing arms and hands for stress free manipulation of instruments. The supporting arms can be moved through a full range of motion, accommodating all treatment positions for right or left handed users. The optional dual mount installation attaches two AnterioRests to the back of the patient chair providing support for both the dentist and assistant during four-handed procedures. The AnterioRest has been instrumental in alleviating back, neck, and extremity pain, helping many users return to comfortable living and productivity
For more information about the AnterioRest, log on to www.anteriorestdental.com

To participate in next year’s contest as an exhibitor/sponsor or meeting attendee, call AAWD Headquarters at (800) 920-2293.
The American Association of Women Dentists is the premier organization for women dentists dedicated to becoming the recognized resource for connecting and enriching the lives of women dentists.. For more information on AAWD and its activities, log on to www.aawd.org
