Wrong tooth extraction: further analysis of “never event” data

Published:September 10, 2019DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bjoms.2019.08.004



The NHS in England requires the reporting of defined “never events” that are directly related to patients’ safety. Analysis of data from 2012–2015 has been published previously in this journal. An examination of continuing data from 2015–2019 shows that “wrong tooth/teeth removed” has not reduced in frequency and it still remains a common “wrong-site surgery” event accounting for between 16% and 24% of wrong-site surgery never events and 7%–10% of all never events reported. Hospitals and community Trusts remain the main source of such reports, although some now originate from primary-care-based dental settings. Further efforts have focused on prevention, and the implementation of existing measures to reduce the risk of wrong tooth extraction, is warranted.
