Implementation of “local safety standards for invasive procedures (LocSSIPs)” policy: not merely a tick-box exercise in patient safety
Published online: February 25, 2020
importance of patient safety in medicine and dentistry cannot be
understated. Wrong tooth extractions account for approximately 25% of
wrong-site surgery, and the implications for the patient, the team, and
the institution can be profound. The development of national safety
standards for invasive procedures (NatSSIPs) has led to the introduction
of specialty-specific local safety standards for invasive procedures
(LocSSIPs), with the aim of improving safety further. The implementation
of outpatient LocSSIPs is recommended in clinical dentistry when
surgical interventions regularly take place. We have implemented an
outpatient LocSSIPs checklist for all procedures done under local
anaesthesia in the oral and maxillofacial surgical unit of a large
district general hospital. Feedback from a staff survey six months after
its introduction was positive from both clinicians and nursing staff.
Since its implementation 18 months ago no serious incidents have been
reported and staff think that safety has improved. The reporting of
incidents, for example, missing clinical notes and faulty equipment, has
become more common (showing better awareness) and the development of a
team-led approach has improved the running of the department.