An important update regarding Hinman next week.
The Hinman Dental Meeting
March 11, 2020
After much consideration and discussion, the Hinman Dental Society has made the difficult decision that the 108th Thomas P. Hinman Dental Meeting scheduled for March 19-21, 2020 at the Georgia World Congress Center and Omni Hotel at CNN Center cannot be held.
Over the past week, many academic centers, health systems and businesses have issued notices that do not allow for domestic travel. This list continues to grow and has a direct impact on our educational sessions.
Our concern is not only for the health of everyone involved, but also the quality of event that we can deliver with the current logistical challenges we are facing. Hinman’s goal has always been to provide world-class continuing education and exhibits, and in the current climate, we will not be able to provide the experience that you have come to expect from our organization.
Our team, like many of you, has been eagerly anticipating and preparing for this year’s Meeting. But the ongoing health crisis has been a serious concern for us all, and its implications have substantially affected the logistics of the meeting.
The health, safety and well-being of our attendees, exhibitors, speakers and members are our highest priorities. Our team has been meeting daily to discuss recommendations from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization.
In light of factors in the US, and around the world, it became very clear that moving the Meeting to a later date was the right thing to do. The potential risks associated with a large gathering as well as the increasing travel advisories and restrictions were certainly considerations.
I am grateful to everyone who has worked tirelessly with the planning of the 2020 Hinman Dental Meeting and to those who will continue to assist with next steps for our 2021 event. The 2020 Meeting experience was years in the making with thousands of members, staff, speakers, attendees, exhibitors and partners coming together to make this Meeting possible. Our vital work will continue in the days and weeks ahead.
Thank you for your commitment to Hinman and to our wonderful profession. We will provide more details and information on our website at www.Hinman.org, through our social media channels and via email in the coming days.
Robert J. O’Donnell, DDS
2020 General Chair
Hinman Dental Society