OSAP Call For Abstracts
Organization for Safety, Asepsis and Prevention (OSAP), the advocate
for The Safest Dental Visit™, announces a call for research and best
practice abstracts to be presented during the OSAP Annual Infection
Control Symposium in Baltimore, Maryland, on May 28-30, 2015. All
submissions must be received at the OSAP office no later than 11:59 pm
on Friday, April 24, 2015. The abstract submission form is available at
or at www.osap.org.
objective of the call for abstracts is to advance development of OSAP’s
dental infection prevention and patient/provider research and good
clinical practice agenda across international boundaries, specifically
related to:
· highlighting
standards and guidelines used by international OSAP partners for the
prevention and control of healthcare-associated infections among dental
· prevention and control of occupationally acquired injuries and infectious disease among dental healthcare personnel,
· providing a forum for the exchange of teaching and training experiences and resources,
· encouraging research and innovation in dental infection prevention, and
· showcasing good clinical practices (case studies).
will be notified of acceptance by Tuesday, April 28, 2015. All accepted
applicants will receive a discount to participate in the OSAP
annual OSAP Symposium is the premier infection control education and
networking event in the dental industry. Nationally and internationally
known experts discuss current and emerging issues relating to infection
prevention and safety in oral healthcare settings, and provide attendees
with essential resources, valuable tools, and new approaches for better
protecting patients and staff. Call 800- 298-OSAP (6727) or 410-571-0003 or visit www.osap.org for symposium registration information.
over 30 years of service to the worldwide dental community, OSAP is a
growing community of clinicians, educators, students, policy-makers, and
industry representatives who advocate for safe and infection-free
of oral healthcare. OSAP focuses on strategies to improve compliance
with safe practices and on building a strong network of recognized
infection control experts. OSAP offers an extensive online collection of
resources, publications, FAQs, checklists and toolkits to help dental
professionals ensure that every visit is The Safest Dental Visit™ for
patients and the dental team.