Bone Behavior in Atrophic Edentulous Mandibles After Rehabilitation With Immediate Loaded Implant: A Short-Term Radiographic and Tomographic Study

Implant Dentistry:
doi: 10.1097/ID.0000000000000154


To evaluate bone response in the posterior area of edentulous mandibles rehabilitated with fixed prosthesis supported on dental implants considering baseline severity of mandibular atrophy.
Material and Methods:
The sample included 15 patients in whom 5 implants were inserted between the mental foramens. The prosthesis followed a cantilever extension from 15 to 20 mm. They were divided into 2 groups (severe and moderate) according to the degree of the atrophy presented. Panoramic x-ray and computerized tomography were obtained immediately after rehabilitation (T0) and after 8 months (T8). Linear measurements of the alveolar bone height at the posterior area of the mandible, 5, 10, and 15 mm from the long axis of the most distal implants, were recorded. Density measurements were also achieved at the same sites.
A slight bone increase in both groups was observed but with no statistically significant difference according to the baseline degree of atrophy.
There was slight qualitative and quantitative bone improvement in the posterior area of the mandibles with the use of immediately loaded implant-supported fixed prostheses during the observed period. These results suggest that long-term follow-up is very important to understand bone behavior after rehabilitation.
