The transcrestal hydrodynamic ultrasonic cavitational sinuslift
Results of a 2-year prospective multicentre
study on 404 patients, 446 sinuslift sites and 637 inserted implants
Angelo Troedhan, Andreas Kurrek, Marcel Wainwright,
Izabela Schlichting, Bianca Fischak-Treitl, Martin Ladentrog
Introduction: In 2006 an ultrasound-surgery-based method to
hydrodynamically detach the sinus-membrane utilizing the ultrasonic
cavitation effect—the tHUCSL—was developed and a
surgical protocol established. The aim of the study was to determine the
indication-range and success-rate of this novelty procedure. Materials & Methods: Between 2007 and 2009,
patients were treated by 6 oral surgeons of different experience-levels
with the tHUCSL in 446 sinussites. 637 implants were inserted and then
prosthodontically treated and observed and documented until December
2011. The
subantral space was augmented via the 3 mm transcrestal approach with an
augmentation volume of 1.9 ccm (+/? 0.988 ccm) and an augmentation height of 10.7 mm
(+/? 2.85
mm). Results: Within the survey-period 15 (2.35%) of the 637 inserted
implants were lost, mostly before implant loading due to postsurgical
infection and nonosseointegration in the augmentation site. 1 implant was
lost after implant loading and prosthetic treatment within 1 year after
loading. The overall success rate with functional implants in site is 97.65%
evenly distributed among the participating surgeons. 86% of the patients were observed
with no postsurgical swelling and 87% no postsurgical pain. Discussion: The results suggest the tHUCSL to be a safe minimal-invasive alternative to
traditional lateral approach and transcrestal osteotome sinuslift-procedures
applicable to all anatomical situations.