Stability of paramedian inserted palatal mini-implants at the initial healing period: a controlled clinical study
Stability of paramedian inserted palatal mini-implants at the initial healing period: a controlled clinical study. Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 00, 2013; 1–6.
, , , . Abstract
To assess the stability development of paramedian in comparison with midpalatal inserted mini-implants.
Material and methods
test group consisted of 21 consecutively treated patients
(13.7 ± 4.6 years). In each patient, a mini-implant was inserted
paramedian in the anterior palate. Measurement of the insertion depth
(ID), the maximum insertion torque (IT), and resonance frequency
analysis (RFA) was performed at T0. RFA was repeated after 2 weeks (T1),
4 weeks (T2), and 6 weeks (T3). Correlations between measuring methods
were calculated. RFA values at different times were tested for
statistical differences. Data were compared with a group of patients who
received median mini-implants of the same size.
Initial stability was 14.06 ± 4.35 Ncm (IT) and 26.60 ± 5.28 ISQ (RFA) with an ID of 7.02 ± 1.04 mm. RFA and IT (r = 0.49, P = 0.023)
showed a moderate significant correlation. Stability remained
relatively constant, showing no significant differences between
measurement times. Overall, RFA values decreased non-significantly by
2.25 ± 6.85 ISQ to a level of 24.35 ± 5.39 after 6 weeks. Comparing
development of stability over time, it was found that significant
differences were present at T0 and T1 (T0: −9.54 ISQ, P < 0.0001; T1: −3.69, P = 0.041).
inserted mini-implants provided sufficient stability. Showing a lower
primary stability, RFA values did not differ from the control group from
week four on, as no significant decrease in stability occurred at the
initial healing period.