Experimental investigations into visual and electronic tooth color measurement
Citation Information. Biomedizinische Technik/Biomedical Engineering. Volume 56, Issue 2, Pages 115–122, ISSN (Online) 1862-278X, ISSN (Print) 0013-5585, DOI: 10.1515/BMT.2011.008, Available online: 31/03/2011, April 2011
Publication History: Received: 13/10/2010; accepted: 8/3/2011; ; published online: 31/03/2011
Objective: The present study aimed to examine the validity of the visual color assessment and an electronic tooth color measurement system by means of Shade Inspector™ in comparison with a gold standard. Additionally, reproducibility of electronic measurements was demonstrated by means of two reference systems.
Material and methods: Ceramic specimens of two thicknesses (h=1.6 mm, h=2.6 mm) were used. Three experienced dental technicians using the VITAPAN Classical® color scale carried out all visual tests. Validity of the visual assessment and the electronic measurements was confirmed separately for both thicknesses by means of lightness and hue of the VITAPAN Classical® color scale. Reproducibility of electronic measurements was confirmed by means of the VITAPAN Classical® and 3D-Master®. The 3D-Master® data were calculated according to lightness, hue and chroma. Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was used in assessing validity/reproducibility for lightness and chroma, Kappa statistics were used for hue. A level ≥0.75 was pre-established for ICC and ≥0.60 for the Kappa index.
Results of visual color assessment: Validity for lightness was good for both thicknesses; agreement rates for hue were inconsistent.
Electronic measurement: Validity for lightness was fair to good, hue values were below 0.60. Reproducibility of lightness was good to very good for both reference systems. Hue values (VITAPAN Classical®) for 1.6 mm test specimens were upside, for 2.6 mm below 0.60, Kappa values for 3D-Master® were ≥0.60 for all measurements, reproducibility of chroma was very good.
Conclusion: Validity was better for visual than for electronic color assessment. Reproducibility of the electronic device by means of the Shade Inspector™ was given for the VITAPAN Classical® and 3D-Master® systems.