Effect of high-fluoride dentifrice and bracket bonding composite material on enamel demineralization in situ

Original Article



This in situ study evaluated the effect of high-fluoride dentifrice (5000 μg F/g) and fluoride-containing bonding composite resin on enamel demineralization adjacent to orthodontic brackets.


Ten volunteers wore palatal appliances containing bovine enamel blocks with metallic brackets bonded with fluoride-free or fluoride-containing composite resin. During three phases of 14 days each, three dentifrices with different fluoride concentrations (0, 1100, and 5000 μg F/g) were tested. The cariogenic challenge consisted of 20% sucrose solution dripped 8x/day onto the dental blocks. At the end of each phase, biofilm formed was collected for fluoride analysis. Cross section hardness was performed in enamel blocks, and the lesion area was calculated. Data were analyzed by two-way ANOVA followed by Tukey post hoc test (α = 5%).


The only signicant factor for all the variables under study was the dentifrice. Smaller lesion area and higher fluoride concentration on biofilm were found in 5000 μg F/g group, irrespective of bonding composite resin (p < 0.001). Neither bracket-bonding composite resin nor the interaction between the factors was statistically significant (p > 0.05) for all the variables.


High-fluoride dentifrice is effective in reducing demineralization on enamel adjacent to orthodontic brackets, while the fluoride-containing bonding composite resin does not influence it.

Clinical Significance

Since high-fluoride dentifrice was able to reduce demineralization adjacent to brackets, it can be an option to caries management in orthodontics patients.
