Smartphones and tooth brushing: content analysis of the current available mobile health apps for motivation and training
Smartphone mobile app is an innovative concept for health behaviour‐based interventions.
present study aimed to analyse apps developed for smartphones that
promote tooth brushing amongst children using the Coventry, Aberdeen,
and London-Refined (CALO-RE) taxonomy for behaviour change.
Materials and methods
brushing apps available in English and free to download that purported
to assist with brushing were searched on the Apple app store using
search terms based on Boolean logic and included AND combinations for
keywords tooth brushing, children, toothbrush and motivation in the
health and fitness category; six apps met the inclusion criteria and
were downloaded. The behaviour change taxonomies were assessed
individually for each app and scored as per coding and analysed for
presence or absence.
three of the behaviour change taxonomies were present in all apps, i.e.
information provision (general), goal setting (behaviour) and prompt
practice. Setting graded tasks, self-monitoring of behavioural outcome,
demonstration of behaviour, prompt use of imagery and time management
were included in four out of six apps.
present study explores a new arena for oral healthcare motivation and
prevention in children through the use of mobile phone apps.