Recommended treatment of cracked teeth: Results from the National Dental Practice-Based Research Network
Published online: June 12, 2019
Statement of problem
the high prevalence of posterior cracked teeth, questions remain
regarding the best course of action for managing these teeth.
purpose of this clinical study was to identify and quantify the
characteristics of visible cracks in posterior teeth and their
association with treatment recommendations among patients in the
National Dental Practice-Based Research Network.
Material and methods
dentists enrolled patients with a single, vital posterior tooth with at
least 1 observable external crack. Data were collected at the patient,
tooth, and crack levels, including the presence and type of pain and
treatment recommendations for subject teeth. Frequencies according to
treatment recommendation were obtained, and odds ratios (ORs) comparing
recommendations for the tooth to be restored versus monitored were
calculated. Stepwise regressions were performed using generalized models
to adjust for clustering; characteristics with P<.05 were retained.
total of 209 dentists enrolled 2858 patients with a posterior tooth
with at least 1 crack. Mean ±standard deviation patient age was 54 ±12
years; 1813 (63%) were female, 2394 (85%) were non-Hispanic white, 2213
(77%) had some dental insurance, and 2432 (86%) had some college
education. Overall, 1297 (46%) teeth caused 1 or more of the following
types of pain: 1055 sensitivity to cold, 459 biting, and 367
spontaneous. A total of 1040 teeth were recommended for 1 or more
treatments: restoration (n=1018; 98%), endodontics (n=29; 3%),
endodontic treatment and restoration (n=20; 2%), extraction (n=2; 0.2%),
and noninvasive treatment, for example, occlusal device, desensitizing
(n=11; 1%). The presence of caries (OR=67.3), biting pain (OR=7.3), and
evidence of a crack on radiographs (OR=5.0) were associated with over
5-fold odds of recommending restoration. Spontaneous pain was associated
with nearly 3-fold odds; pain to cold, having dental insurance, a crack
that was detectable with an explorer or blocked transilluminated light,
or connected with a restoration were each weakly associated with
increased odds of recommending a restoration (OR<2 .0="" p="">2>
one-third of cracked teeth were recommended for restoration. The
presence of caries, biting pain, and evidence of a crack on a radiograph
were strong predictors of recommending a restoration, although the
evidence of a crack on a radiograph only accounted for a 3% absolute
difference (4% recommended treatment versus 1% recommended monitoring).