Bone Resorption During Submerged Healing After Guided Bone Regeneration: A Prospective Case Series
Implant Dentistry: December 2017 - Volume 26 - Issue 6 - p 820–825
doi: 10.1097/ID.0000000000000686
Basic and Clinical Research
Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate
bone resorption quantitatively during the healing period subsequent to
ridge augmentation.
Materials and Methods: Sixteen patients requiring
vertical ridge augmentation before implant placement were recruited in
the study. The study used an allograft and nonresorbable membrane. A
custom acrylic stent was used to measure changes in bone volume.
Augmented bone was compared with remaining bone 6 months after guided
bone regeneration (α = 0.05 by means of the paired t test).
Results: All sites following the six months
post-surgery were analyzed. Overall changes in alveolar bone were
observed with a mean resorption rate of 19.8% (p<0 .001="" 18.7="" 22.8="" 26.0="" 26.5="" 42.1="" a="" among="" an="" average="" bone="" complications="" exposure="" four="" horizontal="" including="" indicated="" mean="" measurement="" membrane="" of="" p="" post-operative="" range="12.6%" rate="" rates.="" resorption="" showed="" sites="" sixteen="" the="" vertical="" with="">
Conclusion: Loss in graft quantity was observed
after ridge augmentation using an allograft and nonresorbable membrane
during submerged healing before implant placement. Further studies with
larger sample sizes are recommended to confirm its findings.