Bonded retainers maintain a high-standard orthodontic treatment outcome long term
Available online 1 April 2015
studies have demonstrated deterioration of orthodontic treatment
outcome postretention; however, few studies present results in cases
still in retention long term. The aim of the present study was to
evaluate orthodontic treatment outcomes in patients with teeth still in
retention at 10 years post-treatment.
longitudinal study enrolled 108 children who received bonded lingual
retainers after treatment with a full fixed appliance. Retainer
extension and morphologic stability, as measured by weighted peer
assessment ratings (wPAR), were recorded at pretreatment (t0),
immediately post-treatment (t1), 5 years post-treatment (t5), and 10
years post-treatment (t10). The t10 results were compared with those
from an untreated control group matched on age and sex. Post-treatment
stability was additionally tested for correlation to age, sex,
malocclusion, and extraction therapy.
At the group level, there was a significant mean reduction in wPAR of 74% at t10 (P <
0.001). Additionally, the mean wPAR was significantly better than was
that in the control group. At the patient level, 57% of patients were
categorized as “greatly improved.” The only factor that could be
correlated to post-treatment changes (from t1 to t10) was the presence
of at least one bonded retainer (P < 0.05).
“high standard orthodontic treatment outcome” could be maintained 10
years post-treatment by keeping the bonded retainers in both the upper
and lower arches. Orthodontic patients expect the aesthetics to be
maintained over time. The results from this study, that bonded lingual
retainers maintain the orthodontic treatment result for 10 years, are
valuable information for the clinician when giving the patients advice
and recommendations regarding retainer maintenance.