Dentinal Crack Formation during Root Canal Preparations by the Twisted File Adaptive, ProTaper Next, ProTaper Universal, and WaveOne Instruments

Journal of Endodontics



The aim of this study was to compare the incidence of root cracks after root canal instrumentation with the TF Adaptive, WaveOne, ProTaper Next, and ProTaper Universal systems.


Seventy-five extracted mandibular central incisors with mature apices and straight root canals (<5 3="" 6="" 9="" a="" adaptive="" all="" and="" apex="" at="" by="" camera="" canals="" cooling.="" cracks.="" dentinal="" determine="" distilled="" from="" horizontally="" in="" instrumented="" kept="" low-speed="" magnification.="" mm="" next="" of="" p="" photographed="" presence="" protaper="" root="" roots="" samples="" saw="" sectioned="" selected="" slices="" stereomicroscope="" systems.="" tf="" the="" then="" through="" to="" under="" universal="" using="" viewed="" water.="" water="" waveone="" were="" with="">


The control group had no cracks, and the difference between the control group and the experimental groups was statistically significant (P < .001). The ProTaper Next and TF Adaptive systems produced significantly less cracks than the ProTaper Universal and WaveOne systems in the apical section (3 mm) (P < .05).


Under the study conditions and within the limitations of this study, it can be concluded that the ProTaper Universal, ProTaper Next, WaveOne, and TF Adaptive instruments can result in dentinal cracks.
