Effects of gustatory stimulants of salivary secretion on salivary pH and flow: a randomized controlled trial

ADSP da Mata 1 , DN da Silva Marques 1 , JML Silveira 1 , JROF Marques 1 , ET de Melo Campos Felino 2 , NFRPM Guilherme 3
Oral Diseases
Published Online: 8 Feb 2009
Copyright © 2009 John Wiley and Sons A/S


Objectives: To compare salivary pH changes and stimulation efficacy of two different gustatory stimulants of salivary secretion (GSSS).

Setting: Portuguese Dental Faculty Clinic.

Design: Double blind randomized controlled trial.

Subjects: One hundred and twenty volunteers were randomized to two intervention groups. Sample sized was calculated using an alpha error of 0.05 and a beta of 0.20.

Materials and methods: Participants were randomly assigned to receive a new gustatory stimulant of secretory secretion containing a weaker malic acid, fluoride and xylitol or a traditionally citric acid-based one. Saliva collection was obtained by established methods at different times. The salivary pH of the samples was determined with a pH meter and a microelectrode.

Main outcome measures: Salivary pH variations and counts of subjects with pH below 5.5 for over 1 min and stimulated salivary flow were the main outcome measures.

Results: Both GSSS significantly stimulated salivary output without significant differences between the two groups. The new gustatory stimulant of salivary secretion presented a risk reduction of 80 ± 10.6% (95% CI) when compared with the traditional one.

Conclusions: Gustatory stimulants of salivary secretion with fluoride, xylitol and lower acid content maintain similar salivary stimulation capacity while reducing significantly the dental erosion predictive potential.
