Factors influencing success rate of ceramic veneers on endodontically treated anterior teeth: A systematic review
Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry
Statement of problem
conservative restorative approaches have been advocated for nonvital
anterior teeth as an alternative to complete coverage crowns to maximize
the preservation of tooth structure. Systematic reviews that
investigated factors influencing the success rate of porcelain veneers
on endodontically treated anterior teeth are lacking.
purpose of this systematic review was to investigate factors
influencing the success rate of porcelain veneers on endodontically
treated anterior teeth.
Material and methods
were performed across Medline/PubMed, Google Scholar, Scopus, and Web
of Science electronic databases. In addition, articles were hand
searched from references of systematic reviews concerning porcelain
veneers and endodontically treated teeth.
screening and applying the eligibility, inclusion, and exclusion
criteria, 7 articles met the inclusion criteria. Factors that could
positively influence the success rate of endodontically treated anterior
veneered teeth were immediate dentin sealing, labially positioning of
the endodontic access cavity, and incorporating fiber posts.
use of fiber posts and labial positioning of the endodontic access
cavity could positively influence the success rate of porcelain veneers
on endodontically treated teeth. The effect of immediate dentin sealing
on the survival rate of endodontically treated veneered teeth is still
unclear and further research is needed.