
Showing posts from January, 2023

Quality of CAD-CAM inlays placed on aged resin-based composite restorations used as deep margin elevation: a laboratory study

VideaHealth Announces Foundational Dental AI Patent Granted by U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)


The Pankey Institute to Hold Their Flagship "Essentials 1" Course at the 2023 Thomas P. Hinman Dental Meeting

University of Rochester Professor Recognized for Her Research on Catching Tooth Decay Earlier in Children Using Artificial Intelligence and Telehealth Technologies

Benevis Commemorates 20-Year History of Dental Care in First Annual Impact Report

Tell Health Inc. Announces the Launch of Tellâ„¢ Social Media App for Verified Healthcare Providers and the General Public

Upcoming speaker’s presentations at Edentulism2023 given during ZAGA Center Podcast Series with David Pastorino

Accuracy of artificial intelligence-designed single-molar dental prostheses: A feasibility study

Mechanical performance of 3-dimensionally printed resins compared with conventional and milled resins for the manufacture of occlusal devices: A systematic review

IPR treatment and attachments design in clear aligner therapy and risk of open gingival embrasures in adults

Comparison of five single-file systems in the preparation of severely curved root canals: an ex vivo study

Modified pulpotomy procedure in immature permanent teeth with apical periodontitis: a randomised controlled trial

Exploring challenges and mitigation strategies towards practicing Teledentistry

Effect of self-etch primer application on the bond failure rate of a mandibular bonded lingual retainer

Influence of the timing of periodontal intervention on periapical/periodontal repair in endodontic-periodontal lesions: a systematic review

Facial paralysis after intraoral anesthetic injection: A systematic review

Evaluation of health screening data for factors associated with peri-implant bone loss

Biofilm elimination from infected root canals using four different single files

Comparison of a noncustom vs custom mandibular advancement device to treat obstructive sleep apnea