Guided Access Cavity Preparation Using Cost-Effective 3D Printers
Journal of Endodontics Published:April 11, 2022
This in vitro study aimed to evaluate the accuracy and precision of desktop 3D printers
when fabricating stents for guided endodontics.
Materials and methods
A stent was designed using planning software for guided endodontic access on a typodont
model. Four different 3D printers were used to fabricate an identical stent, one per
printer. Each stent was then used to gain access to the artificial endodontic canal
on a typodont tooth, and was repeated ten times per stent by the same operator. Each
of the accessed typodont teeth were scanned by a reference scanner and then imported
into the inspection software. Inspection software utilized a best-fit alignment to
automatically calculate absolute deviation at the base and tip of the bur.
The mean distance between the planned and actual position of the bur were low, ranging
from 0.31 to 0.68mm. Statistically significant differences were found among the four
groups (F (3, 36) = 10.67, p <.05). Post-hoc comparison revealed that Group Form2 significantly varied with Groups
Form3 and Carbon (p <.05 and p <.05, respectively). Group Form3 obtained the most accurate and most precise axial deviation both coronally
and apically.
All of the printers tested produced stents for guided access that allowed for a high
level of accuracy in obtaining access to the artificial endodontic canal, which would
justify the trial of cost-effective 3D printers for guided endodontic access and necessitates
further clinical research on teeth with pulp canal obliteration.