Smart-phone based instant messaging application as a platform for radiographic interpretations of jaw pathologies

Journal of Oral Biology and Craniofacial Research

Available online 14 April 2021

Journal of Oral Biology and Craniofacial Research



To evaluate the reliability of WhatsApp in comparison to the images viewed on a workstation monitor (gold standard) for the identification and interpretation of radiographic images of jaw pathologies.


150 panoramic radiographs were screened for the assessment of jaw pathologies in the workstation monitor. The radiographs were sent to two observers (Observer A and B) via WhatsApp® Messenger which were viewed independently on smartphones. A structured proforma was prepared to evaluate the radiographs for the presence or absence of various radiographic pathological characteristics.


The reliability of WhatsApp for observers A and B concerning various characteristics like vital structures, pathological fractures, periodontal ligament widening, and root resorption indicated almost perfect agreement (0.8–0.97). The Kappa coefficients for WhatsApp for observers A and B for pre-categorized radiographic impressions were 0.95 and 0.97 which indicated almost perfect agreement.


WhatsApp based expert teleradiology consultation can be a suitable and effective alternative for radiographic interpretations.

