Following in the footsteps of Hippocrates—interrelation between the incidence of odontogenic abscess and meteorological parameters
many physicians in daily practice assume a connection between
odontogenic infections and meteorological parameters, this has not yet
been scientifically proven. Therefore, the aim of the present study was
to evaluate the incidence of odontogenic abscess (OA) in relation to
outdoor temperature and atmospheric pressure.
Patients and methods
analysis of patients with an odontogenic abscess who presented at the
emergency department within a period of 24 months was performed. Only
patients who had not received surgical or antibiotic treatment prior to
presentation and who lived in Berlin/Brandenburg were included. The OA
incidence was correlated with the mean/maximum outdoor temperature and
atmospheric pressure starting from 14 days before presentation. The
statistical analysis was carried out using Poisson regression models
with OA incidence as dependent and meteorological parameters as
independent variables.
total of 535 patients (mean age 39.4 years; range 1 to 95 years) with
538 cases were included. Of these, 227 were hospitalized. The most
frequent diagnosis was a canine fossa abscess. A significant association
between mean (p = 0.0153) and maximum temperature (p = 0.008)
on the day of the presentation and abscess incidence was observed.
Furthermore, a significant correlation between OA incidence and maximum
temperature 2 days before presentation was found (p = 0.034).
The deviation of the mean temperature on the day of the presentation
from the monthly mean temperature had a significant influence (p = 0.021)
on the incidence of OA. In contrast to temperature, atmospheric
pressure had no significant influence on the incidence of OA.
study supports a relationship between the incidence of odontogenic
abscess and outdoor temperature, but not atmospheric pressure. A
significantly higher frequency of patients with an OA presented at our
emergency department on days with (comparably) low and high outdoor
temperatures. Furthermore, a significant correlation between incidence
and maximum temperature 2 days before presentation was found.
Clinical relevance
treatment of odontogenic infections has become a significant economic
burden to public health care facilities. The results of this study may
help to adapt the numbers of doctors/dentists on duty in relation to
different weather conditions. In any case, it is an impetus to think
outside the box.