Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry
techniques have been proposed for cementing crown restorations to
implant abutments without excess cement extruding beyond
difficult-to-access restoration margins. In one approach, a copy
abutment is fabricated onto which the cement-filled crown is fitted
extraorally, allowing excess cement to be easily removed before
intraoral transfer. This article presents a modification of this
technique, wherein hot melt thermoplastic material is used for the copy
abutment instead of polyvinyl siloxane. This simplifies the technique,
making it faster and more reliable. It involves injecting hot melt
thermoplastic material into the wetted intaglio surface of the crown,
fitting a dowel pin to serve as a removal handle, filling the crown with
cement, fitting it onto the copy abutment, and wiping the excess at the
margins before intraoral transfer and definitive cementation.