
Showing posts from September, 2014

In vitro and in vivo removal of oral Candida from the denture base

Guided surgery is now simplified and affordable.

Monkey flosses teeth

Roland Announces Release of New Digital Dentistry White Paper Comparing e.max Restoration Processes

Antifungal Activity of Apple Cider Vinegar on Candida Species Involved in Denture Stomatitis

At The AAOSH Annual Session: Charles Whitney MD Launching Community and Medical Outreach Program for Dental Practices™

The decision to repair or replace a defective restoration is affected by who placed the original restoration: findings from the National Dental PBRN

Corporate Forum at AAP Annual Meeting Demonstrates the Value of CBCT to Surgical Outcomes

Evaluation of apically extruded debris associated with several Ni–Ti systems

Nobel Biocare to Join Danaher Dental Platform

Carestream Dental Launches New ‘TechCheck’ Promotion to Diagnose Outdated Equipment and Offers Treatment Plans for Practices

Bacterial Removal Promoted by 2 Single-file Systems: Wave One and One Shape

Carestream Dental Announces Longest Warranty in the Market for New Extraoral System

Immediate loading in partially and completely edentulous jaws: a review of the literature with clinical guidelines

Brasseler USA® Introduces the Forza V3 Piezo Ultrasonic System

National Dental PBRN Dental Laser Poll

DUX Dental Kicks Off 2014 Bib-Eze For Boob-Eze Campaign To Benefit Breast Cancer Charity