Immediately loaded distally cantilevered fixed mandibular prostheses supported by four implants placed in both in fresh extraction and healed sites: 2-year results from a prospective study.

Eur J Oral Implantol. 2014 Summer;7(2):173-84.


Objectives: To evaluate the outcome of immediately loaded distally cantilevered mandibular full-arch prostheses according to the 'all-on-four' concept supported by implants placed in both fresh extraction and healed sites. Material and methods: A prospective study was conducted in 24 patients with extraction of all remaining mandibular teeth and placement of 4 implants per patient (2 mesial axial and 2 distal tilted) for full-arch mandibular restorations. Implants were inserted in fresh extraction sockets 2.3 ± 1.0 per patient and 1.7 ± 1.0 implants in healed sites. Implants placed in fresh extraction sites (n = 55) were significantly (P <0 -0.14="" -0.18="" -0.20="" -0.40="" -0.57="" .01="" 0.20="" 0.28="" 0.29="" 0.35="" 0.36="" 0.42="" 0.45="" 0.48="" 0.4="" 0.51="" 0.55="" 0.5="" 0.6="" 0.7="" 0.8="" 0.92="" 1-="" 1.00="" 1.17="" 1.21="" 10="" 12-and="" 12="" 15="" 18="" 1st="" 2-year="" 24-month="" 24="" 2nd="" 3="" 4.6="" 4.7="" 5="" a="" acrylic="" after="" all="" alveolar="" an="" and="" assessed="" assessment.="" at="" be="" between="" bleeding="" bone="" both="" but="" by="" calculus="" camlog="" can="" compared="" conclusion:="" conduct="" conflict="" crest:="" deeply="" definite="" dental="" depth="" differences="" efforts="" evaluated="" evaluation="" examinations="" extraction="" failed="" five="" fixed="" follow-up="" for="" foundation="" four="" fracture="" fractures="" framework.="" fresh="" from="" full-arch="" gerald="" gingival="" grant="" had="" healed="" high="" higher="" immediate="" immediately="" implant-supported="" implant="" implants="" in="" indices="" inserted="" interest="" into="" items="" krennmair="" later="" level="" limits="" loaded="" maintenance="" marginal="" metal="" mm="" months="" more="" n="41)" need="" no="" of="" p="" patient="" patients="" peri-implant="" placed="" plaque="" pocket="" post-extractive="" presented="" prof="" prostheses.="" prostheses="" prosthesis="" prosthodontic="" provisional="" rating="" rebased.="" received="" renewed="" repaired="" representing="" research.="" resin="" results:="" satisfaction.="" satisfaction="" score:="" score="" significantly="" simultaneously="" sites.="" sites="" st="" stable.="" statement:="" study="" subjective="" success="" supported="" teeth="" than="" the="" there="" this="" to="" veneered="" versus="" vs="" was="" were="" with="" within="" year:="" year="">
