
Showing posts from May, 2009

Rheumatoid Arthritis Sufferers Improve Following Treatment Of Gum Disease

3M ESPE Announces the Elipar™ S10 LED Curing Light

New PoliCare™ program supports patients throughout denture journey

Shared Genetic Link Between Dental Disease Periodontitis And Heart Attack Discovered

Toothless Demi Moore pokes fun at herself in unflattering photo posted on Twitter

Memorial Day

OSAP Creates Dental Safety Mall

A comparison of root caries diagnosis based on visual-tactile criteria and DIAGNOdent in vivo

Phosphur Plate Cleaning Wipes

Ultradents- Valo LED Curing Light

Osstell ISQ Instrument- When to load your implants

Addent's New Composite Dispenser

Dentrix Kiosk

Special CAESY pricing for CDA

A Comparison of Retention Characteristics in Prefabricated and Custom-Cast Dental Attachments

OSAP Symposium to Address Flu Pandemic

Ubuntu is ready for your PC

10 cool little Mac utilities that nobody knows about

Dentrix is debuting a wireless patient check-in kiosk

Dr. Kathleen O'Loughlin Is Named As ADA's Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer

Does digital radiography really allow for better diagnosis?

CCLAD Conference

FTC Red Flags Rule Suspended