Smiles For Life: A National Oral Health Curriculum For Family Medicine (Alan Douglass MD)
Smiles for Life is a comprehensive oral health curriculum for physicians developed by the STFM Group on Oral Health. It is designed to be implemented in residencies or medical school pre-doctoral programs. The core curriculum is based on four PowerPoint modules covering core areas on oral health; Module 1: The relationship of oral and systemic health; Module 2: Child oral health; Module 3: Adult oral health; Module 4: Dental emergencies. Each module is designed to be presented in 50 minutes. Each slide is annotated with speaker notes and relevant references. Also included with the curriculum are a comprehensive set of educational objectives based on the ACGME competencies, test questions, resources for further learning, and an implementation guide which includes a detailed outline of the modules. Several new materials were added in August 2006. Pocket cards and PDA applications summarizing key point-of-care information on child oral health, adult oral health, and dental emergencies are now available. Patient education posters suitable for exam or waiting room display may also be downloaded. There are now two additional PowerPoint modules. Module 5, Oral Health and the Pregnant Patient, was released in September 2006 and may now be downloaded. Module 6, Topical Fluoride Application, is expected in the Spring of 2007. In October 2006 all 5 PowerPoint modules were digitally reformatted to reduce file sizes by 80-90%. This will allow much faster downloads. (Source: Family Medicine Digital Resources Library (FMDRL) Recently Uploaded)
Get the presentations here at the FMDRL web site
Get the presentations here at the FMDRL web site