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Parental use and acceptance of an accessible, commercially available intraoral camera for teledentistry in their children

 Tan, W.K., Chua, D.R. Parental use and acceptance of an accessible, commercially available intraoral camera for teledentistry in their children. Eur Arch Paediatr Dent (2024). Abstract Purpose The potential of combining teledentistry and engaging parents as underutilised resources to monitor paediatric dental health was emphasised during the COVID-19 pandemic and remains underexplored. This study aims to assess parental acceptance and use of a commercially available intraoral camera (IOC) for effective remote monitoring. Methods 47 child–parent dyads, where the parent was the main caregiver and the child was treated under general anaesthesia for early childhood caries, were recruited. Caregivers were trained to image their child’s teeth on a commercially available IOC. Subsequently, submitted images were reviewed asynchronously by dentists for image quality, presence of dislodged fillings, abscesses, cavitat

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